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If you want to know more about the PDT, the following articles will give you some help. These news is the latest market situation, trend in development, or related tips of the PDT industry. More news about PDT, are being released. Follow us / contact us for more PDT information!
  • How do PDT digital clusters integrate with overseas markets?


    PDT mainly targets factors such as: independent intellectual property rights, security and confidentiality, low cost, and smooth transition to simulation. Set TETRA, P25, DMR, MPT cluster system strengths, such as:Compared with TETRA, it is a large-area system, low cost, and has its own encryption a Read More
  • PDT digital trunking wireless intercom system group base station


    The PDT digital trunking wireless intercom system uses a large area system, and usually covers a large area with fewer base stations. However, in the city, due to the blockage of the building, the signal coverage of some regional cluster wireless intercom system is not ideal, especially in the area where the density of residential buildings is large, and the area of the handshake building is more, the coverage of the wireless intercom system is even worse. Read More
  • Public network PoC soft intercom and PDT digital trunk interworking scheme


    The Push-to-Talk Over Cellular (PEC) soft intercom is more and more popular because of its convenient use and no distance limitation. It is widely used in various industries.However, the public network intercom cannot completely replace the traditional private network intercom system, especially the Read More
  • Development of police digital trunking wireless communication system


    With the rapid development of police information, the demand for communication means has been continuously improved by local police agencies. In addition to the most basic voice communication, the police digital trunking wireless communication system is moving towards system IP, business diversifica Read More

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